Preparing for First Communion? – there’s not a better little book available for the children and only €3.45.
This is a 24 page A4 pupil type workbook into which the children will record their thoughts, ideas and responses in relation to God, friends, family and wider community as they prepare for First Holy Communion. It is essentially a compilation of their own musings, writings, drawings, illustrations, photographs etc. of their reflections and memories as they journey towards receiving First Communion. It will be a unique and treasured personal keepsake for each child.
Massively popular in schools nationwide
The Book Content Consists of the Following:
All About Me;
My Friends are Special too!;
My Baptism;
My Baptism in Words & Pictures;
Write a Job Description for your Godparents;
Using My Talents;
My Friend Jesus;
My Favourite Bible Story;
Kind Deeds;
Sacrement of Reconciliation;
I talk to God in the Sacrement of Reconciliation;
The Saints;
This is my Church;
In The Church;
Symbols, Sounds, and Gestures;
Invitation to My First Holy Communion;
My First Holy Communion Window;
My Prayers for Holy Communion;
My Very Own Little Prayers;
Thank You all;
Photographs of My First Holy Communion;
The Mass.
Once all pages are completed and photographs pasted in, each child has a treasured keep-sake of this great milestone in their lives.
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