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Numicon: Large Foam Shapes


SKU 978-0-19-830011-3 Categories ,


Perfect for outdoor and indoor use, the Numicon Large Foam Shapes give you the opportunity to explore number in a fun, engaging and practical way. Each pack contains one large foam shape of numbers 1 to 10, in colours to match the Numicon Shapes. The largest shape is 90 x 35 cm, and smallest is 17.5 x 17.5cm.


  • Hand a shape to each of 10 people. Tell them to get into pairs that make 10. The person holding the blue shape goes about and compares his/her shape to the various pairs that have formed.
  • Hand a shape to each of 10 people. Tell them to get into threes that make 10. The person holding the blue shape goes about and compares his/her shape to the various three addends to see if they have combined to make 10.
  • Give shapes to ten people and to ten other give a card that has the words one, two, three etc. to ten. On the whistle all must pair up i.e. shape with numeral name.
  • Hand a shape to each of 10 people. Ask them to separate into two groups – odds to the left and even to the right.
  • Hand a shape to each of 10 people. Ask them to form a line from largest to smallest based on the number each is holding.
  • Pin the shapes on childrens’ backs. Ask another child to arrange the group from smallest number to highest number.



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