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Problem-Based Learning for Math & Science


SKU 9781412955591 Category


This book provides teachers with the tools they need to help students learn in an integrated, real-world instructional environment. Focusing on problem-based learning (PBL) as a teaching approach that enhances, strengthens, and expands the teacher’s repertoire to increase student success, the author presents modes of problem-based learning that include real-life references, real problem simulations, and student-identified community problems.



Each chapter outlines an aspect of problem-based learning relating to math and science and includes specific projects for engaging learners in the PBL experience. Each project can be customized to meet students’ learning levels and contains student handouts, evaluation forms, and all of the information necessary for successful completion.


Project standards are based on recommendations from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). With the strategies offered in Problem-Based Learning for Math and Science, 2nd Edition, teachers can help deepen students’ understanding of important ideas, increase content retention, strengthen learners’ problem-solving abilities, and help students become self-directed, lifelong learners.



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