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The Guns of Easter by Gerard Whelan – Ages 10+


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 ‘The Guns of Easter’ by Gerard Whelan- join in the primary schools  ‘Reading Revolution’ today!

Cost €8.45 per book / 176 pages

It is 1916 and Europe is at war. From the poverty of the Dublin slums twelve-year-old Jimmy Conway sees it all as glorious, and loves the British Army for which his father is fighting. But when war comes to his own streets Jimmy’s loyalties are divided. The rebels occupy the General Post Office and other parts of the city, and Jimmy’s uncle is among them. Dublin’s streets are destroyed, business comes to a halt. In an attempt to find food for his family, Jimmy crosses the city, avoiding the shooting, weaving through the army patrols, hoping to make it home before curfew. But his quest is not easy and danger threatens at every corner.

 ‘The Guns of Easter’ by Gerard Whelan – 176 pages – join in the primary schools  ‘Reading Revolution’ today! – brilliant story for the senior classes.

Read it this term and begin your childrens’ journey towards the 100th. anniversary of ‘The 1916 Rising’.
It is 1916 and Europe is at war. From the poverty of the Dublin slums twelve-year-old Jimmy Conway is pulled between the British Army and the rebels in the Easter Rising. Real history seen through the eyes of a child from a master storyteller.

WINNER – Bisto Book of the Year Award  + Eilís Dillon Award – if there is one book to read over the coming term with the senior class children, it has to be this one. It will open up so many questions & learning experiences around the themes, events and people of ‘The 1916 Rising’ – there is no better door to take your children through!


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