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Mentoring in Action


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Droichead  is an integrated professional induction framework for newly qualified teachers. It is the programme whereby NQTs are now inducted by the in-school Professional Support Team. The following book will be an invaluable support to all involved in this important task & process.

Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers

The support you need for mindful mentoring and sustainable teacher success!

Novice teachers bring vitality and optimism to schools. Our role as mentors is to empower novice teachers to grow in their practice and emerge as the leaders of the future. Newly revised and updated, the 2nd edition of Mentoring in Action emphasizes a unique approach: mindful mentoring that aligns your conversations to teaching standards to prepare novice teachers for their teacher evaluation. 

In this book you’ll learn the importance of teacher leadership and how mentoring can influence teacher effectiveness. This flexible twelve-month curriculum helps you:

·         Plan mentoring conversations and observations 

·         Differentiate support to meet the varied needs of novice teachers

·         Set goals to prevent teacher burnout by sharing social and emotional learning skills

·         Gather regular student feedback from student work samples and surveys

·         Integrate the updated INTASC Standards into mentoring conversations

This updated edition includes QR codes and a robust companion website featuring videos, downloadable forms, and a Mentor Planning Guide and Journal for reflection.  Transform your mentoring experience by confidently mentoring your novice teachers with this comprehensive guide!

“Filled with decades of her own teaching, research, and mentoring wisdom, Radford offers a guide to building the mentoring relationship, examples of mentoring in action, and instructions and modeling of purposeful mentoring conversations.”
Dr. Kirsten Olsen, Author of Wounded By School and The Mindful School Leader

“The best mentorship programs include support for the mentors, not just for new teachers. This book provides a roadmap for individual teacher-mentors or those in charge of mentoring programs. Everyone in a position of leadership should read and use this book.”
Barbara Levin, Professor and Author of Every Teacher a Leader
University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Introduction: Welcome to Mentoring in Action!


Part I Inducting a Novice Teacher into the Teaching Profession


Induction Programs Must Prepare and Support Mentors


Mentors Are Teacher Leaders


Sustainable Mentoring


What Is Mentoring in Action?


Principles for Effective Mentoring


Qualities and Skills of Effective Mentors


Purposeful Mentoring Conversations


Part II Month-by-Month Mentoring: Supporting Novice Teachers


Why Do We Need a Mentoring Curriculum?


A Month-by-Month Cycle for Mentoring


The Transformation of a Teacher


Orientation to the School and Community: Resources and Values


Beginning the School Year Successfully: Creating a Community of Learners in the Classroom


Teaching for Understanding: Planning and Delivering Effective Instruction


Assessing Diverse Leaders: How do Teachers Know Students Have Learned?


Maintaining Balance: Teaching and Keeping the Students Interested


Beginning a New Calendar Year: Looking Back and Moving Forward


Engaging Students in the Curriculum: Focus on Content through Active Inquiry


Collaborating with Novice Teachers: Observing and Building a Trusting Relationship


Standards: Creating Meaningful Standards-Based Learning Experiences for Students


Assessing Students’ Progress: High-Stakes Tests and Teacher Assessment


Completing the Year: Paperwork, Relationships, and Closing a Room


Final Reflection and Planning For Next Year: Retreat, Reflect, Renew


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